Metoder - Andra metoder

The Highest Sakti who is of the nature of creativity goes on expressing herself upward from the centre of the body to a distance of twelve fingers from the tip of the nose...

Shiva"Para Devi or Highest Sakti who is of the nature of creativity (visarga) goes on (ceaselessly) expressing herself upward from the centre (hrit) of the body to a distance of twelve fingers from the tip of the nose (dvadasanta) in the form of exhalation (prana) and downward from dvadasanta to the centre of the body in the form of inhalation (apana)."

"At each of these places (turningpoints) there is rest (pause) for a split second."

"By steady fixation (close observation or one-pointed awereness) of the mind at the two places of their origin (centre of the body in the case of prana and dvadasanta in the case of apana), there is the situation of plenitude (which is the state of parashakti or nature of Bhairava). The breath does not actually stop there but remains in the form of a throb of shakti in suspended animation and then again the breathing process starts."

"One should contemplate over the shakti that appears in the period of rest and should remain mindful of it even while the breathing process starts."
~ Shiva

ID: 2|9|6:R19
  1. A yogi should cast his eyes in the empty space inside a jar. » ~ Shiva.

  2. As the mind gets absorbed in that posture of repose, it will experience great peace. » ~ Shiva.

  3. At the moment when one has perception or knowledge of two objects or ideas, one should simultaneously banish both. » ~ Shiva.

  4. Short Guided Meditation into Deep Presence. » ~ Leonard Jacobson.

  5. By maintaining himself in this position, his intelligens will become highly sattvika. » ~ Shiva.

  6. By perfect recitation of pranava or the sacred syllable Aum, etc and by contenplating over the void, the yogi attains the void. » ~ Shiva.

  7. Fixing one's attention on the interior of the cranium with eyes closed. » ~ Shiva.

  8. Having fixed his gaze on a gross object. » ~ Shiva.

  9. If one contemplates over sunya (spatial vacuity, void) in all directions, he experiences vacuity all round. » ~ Shiva.

  10. If one sees naught when staring into space. » ~ OSHO.

  11. Imageing that either the whole body or the entire world is being burnt by fire of kalagni. » ~ Shiva.

  12. Inescapable Seeing. » ~ Benthino Massaro.

  13. Just as an ornament potentially exists in gold, the object exists in the subject. » ~ Vasistha.

  14. Liberation, the unbroken flow of awereness, underlies the flow of thoughts. » ~ Ramana Maharshi.

  15. One should fix one's gaze on a portion of the space that appears variegated. » ~ Shiva.

  16. Owing to the swinging of the body the mind becomes introverted. » ~ Shiva.

  17. Seated on a soft seat or bed, one should contemplate one's body as without support. » ~ Shiva.

  18. That is the infinite space which exists in the middle when the finite intelligence travels from one place to another. » ~ Vasistha.

  19. The Highest Sakti who is of the nature of creativity goes on expressing herself upward from the centre of the body to a distance of twelve fingers from the tip of the nose. » ~ Shiva.

  20. The yogi should concentrate intensely on the idea that this universe is totally void. » ~ Shiva.

  21. The Yogi should contemplate over the previous condition of any letter before its utterance and its final condition after its utterance. » ~ Shiva.

  22. The yogi should contemplate the entire open space. » ~ Shiva.

  23. When an aspirant contemplates with mind unwavering and free from all alternatives his whole body or the entire universe simultaneously. » ~ Shiva.

  24. When the mind of the aspirant that comes to quit one object is firmly restrained and does not move towards any other object. » ~ Shiva.
